Mission Zero

Mission Zero

The story re-imagining how we power the world.

"We are theĀ first generationĀ toĀ feelĀ the effect ofĀ climate changeĀ and the last generation who can do something about it."

ā€” Obama.

1ļøāƒ£Ā There is an inevitable revolution starting to take place in how the world consumes energy.

2ļøāƒ£Ā The current way we consume energy is inefficient and unsustainable and leading us to huge negative externalities.

3ļøāƒ£Ā We have the technology today to revolutionize how we use energy.

āš™ļøĀ First Industrial Revolution we saw machines replacing skill artisan labor and simple repetitive labor tasks. New energy or power sources, like the steam engine. New transportation systems like the railroad.

šŸ­Ā Second Industrial Revolution we saw the introduction of the assembly line, the introduction of the internal combustion engine and automobiles, and the rise of the oil industry.

šŸ¤–Ā The third Industrial Revolution brought us the computerization of tasks and eliminated the need for secretaries.

šŸ’«Ā The fourth revolution may very well be in its early stages. There are promising opportunities for industry disruption from technologies such as genomics, artificial intelligence, AR, blockchain, and cyber-human advancements. One of the most important re-framing of industries is the new perspective evolving about adaptive and robust energy ecosystems.

Right now the US grid has a lot of problems

  • It's inefficient
  • Its vulnerable to attack
  • Itā€™s terrible for the environment (61% of the grid relies on Fossil Fuels)

Mission Zero has a vision.

  1. It starts with building out micro-grids: Houses and neighborhoods connected to solar panels.
  1. Link these grids together in a decentralized marketplace, so that (House A) which is in the sun more often and overproduces electricity can trade electricity with (House B) which has solar panels in the shadows. (House A) gets paid for the excess, (House B) gets a cheaper price than current alternatives and they both help the environment by using renewable energy.
  1. The average electric car can power a house for two days straight. Battery technology is expensive and currently pushing the boundaries of physics. Electric cars are state-of-the-art battery technology sitting in the garage. By initiating a two-way electric transfer from electric cars to the house the cars can act as reservoirs for energy in the micro-gird. This is no small task to accomplish, but in fruition will allow for micro-grids to address the duck curve which currently makes it unreasonable to use only renewable energy. In addition, by setting up charging nodes in parking garages and offices, the physical transfer of the cars can represent a further energy resale market aggregating the risk of any single energy shortage.
  1. Expanding this at scale and using blockchain markets to democratize energy sales will disrupt the trillion-dollar industry, make energy essentially free and available for everyone and drastically reduce the continued production of greenhouse gases. (39%) of greenhouse gasses come from Transportation (14%) and Electricity for home use (25%).

āš”Ā Imagining a future of free and abundant energy:

As we build toward the fourth energy revolution a future where much of the monotonous of todays world no longer exist. In the past, thousands of workers had to tend a field to grow crops, now a single farmer with the right machines can do the same work. We will see this with the inevitably advancement of technology, freeing up the time for a society that can focus on further exploration. With safe, reliable, and free energy there is a world

šŸ”ŽĀ What would it take?

šŸŽ™ļøĀ Podcast with Paul Grignon, COO of Mission Zero

šŸŽ™ļøĀ Podcast with Scott King, CEO of Mission Zero

Right now mission zero is an advocate for this solution among many others. It is a platform for education, a medium for information, and a movement to save the world. Working with universities, Mission Zero students and faculty to have the resources and networks needed to build a future in solving climate change.


Scott King, CEO & Founder of Mission Zero:

ā€œZan does an excellent job at aligning vision with action and getting people excited to be part of a movement. That was super important to me as I was building Mission Zero. Zan has a talent for connecting with people and understanding how to address challenges with creative solutions that create win-win relationships. I always had confidence that Zan had my best interests in mind whenever making decisions. He builds trusting relationships that extend beyond the work of any project. I would recommend Zan to any team looking to build a powerful brand around an inspiring product.ā€

To read about re-imaging how long humans can live read:
